Our Ministeries
Ministries are groups of volunteers that help with the spiritual duties of the Catholic Church. These volunteer groups use their dedication, talents and charity to make each Mass sacred and special. These can range from making flower arrangements that celebrate a gospel, or distributing the sacrament to the sick. Some training may be required for certain ministries, but do not let that deter you, new volunteers will be guided through the process until they feel comfortable practicing their duties independently. Check our weekly bulletin if you are interested as often ministries will advertise when they need help or are offering group training. Each ministry offers unique ways to explore your faith and connect with your community. We hope you will reach out to a ministry soon.

Proclaimers are more than just good readers, they are called to Proclaim the Word of God at Mass. When they read the sacred scripture during mass God himself speaks to his people - therefore, the Word is an element of greatest importance in the Liturgy. Proclaimers need to have a loud, clear voice and must be comfortable speaking in large groups, but above all this ministry requires one to have strong belief in and devotion to the truth proclaimed in the holy scripture. New proclaimers are required to attend training before being rostered. In terms of duty, you will be rostered for proclaimer or commentator duty at least once every 4 - 6 weeks depending on the mass you attend. There are 3 other ministry meetings to be attended in the course of the year in the form of an information session, a spiritual retreat or workshop. Proclaimers are expected to commit to these when they join the ministry. Proclaimers are more than just good readers, they are called to Proclaim the Word of God at Mass. When they read the sacred scripture during mass God himself speaks to his people - therefore, the Word is an element of greatest importance in the Liturgy.

The Liturgical Décor Environment Ministry’s mission is to enhance the sacred spaces in our church to help make liturgy truly a beautiful celebration for the Lord. This ministry strives to create a prayerful environment to draw the community into a deeper awareness of God through creation. The team involved in this ministry plan and coordinate the floral and plant arrangements as well as other decorations of the church during the different liturgical seasons.
The environment in which we encounter Christ can help us become more aware of His presence. Colours, shapes, sounds, smells, live plants, or dried branches set the tone and help us enter that inner place where we meet God.
This ministry is open to all men and woman who enjoy and appreciate the beauty of God’s creation be it with flowers or plants. This ministry works closely with our parish priest on the liturgical requirements for the various seasons and feasts we celebrate during the liturgical calendar.
One does not need to be talented in just flower arrangements maybe your talents lie in draping or sewing of the various liturgical banners that are required. A place is always available for you to join this team, bring your talent and we will certainly put it to good use. Meetings are held regularly to discuss and plan the liturgy year. A roster is drawn up to ease the load. Please contact Marian in the parish office should you wish to join this ministry marian@rivoniacatholic.co.za

An Altar Server is a lay member of the parish who assists the celebrant/priest during the Liturgy of the Mass.
The Altar Server attends to supporting tasks at the Altar such as:
Leading the procession at the beginning and end of Mass;
Holding the candles and the bearing the cross;
Carrying and holding the liturgical books for the priest to read from when he is not at the Ambo;
If incense is used, a server presents the thurible and incense to the priest, who incenses the offerings, the cross and the Altar, after which the deacon or a server incenses the priest and the
Bringing the lavabo, water bowl and vessels to the priest at the altar;
Consecration: An altar server rings a bell shortly before and after the consecration of the bread and wine (when the priest extends his hands above these and lifts the host and Chalice);
If a Bishop celebrates Mass solemnly, two servers will assist with holding the bishop’s mitre and staff.

The Eucharist is the memorial of the sacrifice of the Body and Blood of Lord Jesus Christ.
Bread and wine are transformed into the Body and Precious Blood of Christ during the Liturgy of the Eucharist. The Extraordinary
Ministers of Holy Eucharist or Holy Communion (EMHC) are lay men and women appointed by the Parish Priest, to help with the distribution of the Holy Eucharist to the parishioners present at Mass and to the sick who are not able to attend Mass.
This ministry requires the candidate to be a Confirmed Catholic man or woman in good standing with the church, with a love for the Holy Eucharist and a heart for service. Training is an integral part of becoming an EMHC; There are certain guidelines and procedures that the EMHC are expected to follow.

SERVING AS SACRISTANS (we are the ARK of covenant ) It is for the sacristans that the preparation and the celebration of the liturgy may remind us to prepare our hearts for worship to the celebration of the liturgy: THE BOOKS. THE VESTMENTS. THE VESSELS. THE BREAD AND WINE.
But the sacristans do more than prepare the things needed for worshiping, behind the scenes, sacristans come in all shapes and sizes arranging from tiny closets enough room to turn in chapel sized

Share your faith through music and song by joining our Musical ministries: our Saturday evening choir, Sunday morning service choir and Sunday evening folk band. After your preferred service, approach the band leader for more information on practice sessions or lessons or call Antoinette de Klerk (Folk band). All are welcome to come and sing or play an instrument.
So what shall I do? I will pray with my spirit, but I will also pray with my understanding; I will sing with my spirit, but I will also sing with my understanding.
1 Corinthians 14:15

This group sets up tea and cookies that we enjoy after Sunday Mass. Please contact Seja if you are interested in donating biscuits or help serving tea after Mass.
Part of the Ushering Ministry is the offertory collection, the distribution of the bulletin, assisting parishioners in wheelchairs and traffic control. This ministry makes coming to Mass a comfortable experience. If you are interested in assisting with welcoming and ushering before and after Mass please contact Chris Joyce.

The Family Life Ministry assist and nourishes families with various workshops and programs to enhance family life. Chris and his team run the Parenting Course for parents searching to improve their relationships with their children.
Linda and her Husband LeRoux run the Marriage preparation course necessary for couples to complete before Marriage. This course prepares couples for the many challenges they may face during their years of marriage.
They also run the Alpha Marriage Couse Designed for enhancing and investing in your Marriage whether you’ve been married for 2 or 32 years! A course of practical ways and essential skills to better any long term relationship. “There’s no counselling, no airing of dirty linen in public, no group therapy – and it seems to work."
The Alpha Marriage Course is for married couples A time to invest and nurture your marriage into being a healthy, happy relationship. Please contact Linda should you be interested in the marriage Preparation course or the Alpha Marriage Course.