Parish Pastoral Council
The role and Function of the Parish Pastoral Council , and its primary responsibility is pastoral planning. The pastoral planning process is an ongoing cyclical process which is always mission-motivated. Pastoral planning involves discernment, and senses, prioritizing goals and objectives, implementation and evaluation.
The PPC works with the Priest in charge to discern needs, ensure that they are met and continually move the parish towards the greater fulfillment of its mission. Through constant attention to the life of the parish and the greater community the Council identifies areas of concern and enables the parish to reach out to those in need. The traditional hallmarks of Christianity – Word, Worship, Community and Service – guide the Council in the evaluation of needs and the parish's response to them. Knowing that a parish cannot do all things at once, prioritizing goals help to determine areas of greatest need or activities that are achievable within a two to three-year time frame.
The PPC practices discernment and consensus in the decision-making process. Discernment and consensus requires patience and respect. Discernment is a process of decision-making that utilizes listening to the word of God, and reflecting on the mission of Jesus, the mission of the universal church, and the mission of the parish. Discernment requires an open mind and an open heart. The capacity for prayerful contemplation is essential in the discernment process.
Consensus is discerning together, as a Council, as a body. Although the body of the PPC has several members, when a decision has been made through prayerful discernment, the Council expresses unity – unity of spirit, and unity of purpose. Coming to consensus requires dying to self and focusing on the common good, to attributes of discipleship. Consensus means not insisting on our own way. Consensus requires humility, honesty, integrity, and gentleness.
In order to develop a spirit of unity and purpose, the PPC find opportunities for prayer and reflection, whether within meetings or on special occasions for study or retreat. It reflects on what it means to be a Christian in today's world, on what it means to be a community in the service to the church. It articulates local goals and objectives in relation to the mission which flows from the Diocesan Pastoral Plan. The Council looks back as well as forward with hope, as it's regularly evaluates its efforts and plans new responses in service to the mission of Christ in our local community.
The PPC meets regularly six times a year. Occasionally, Council members may be asked to be part of an of hot committee charged with researching or investigating up together matter related to Council deliberations. Key qualities needed in Council members are the abilities to study, reflect and recommend sound conclusions.
The current PPC was elected in May 2022 and will serve until April 2025. It is led by Rene Minnaar as Chairperson.
The PPC has set a vison and mission it wishes to accomplish during its three year tenure:
Our Vision:
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church Rivonia is a life-giving community that gives witness by serving God through inviting and involving all into communion with Christ.
Our Mission:
Being an inclusive parish by celebrating diversity Growth in spirituality and worship.
Treat each other with love, respect, and dignity.
Please remember to pray for our leadership team that will lead us into a family as a Parish of Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church Rivonia.
The members of the PPC and their individual roles, functions to contact any member of the PPC , please contact the parish office on 011 803 1229 or email:
Meet the PPC Office Bearers, Parish Representatives and Co-Ordinators
Parish Priest/RCIA/Adult Enquiry Class: Fr Paul Beukes OMI
Chairperson: René Minnaar
Vice Chairman: Patrick Sithole
Secretary: Michelle De Jesus
Deputy Secretary: Olivia Kingston
Members: Tumi Sefolo, Chris Joyce, Linda Viljoen
Proclaimers: Mel Mc Cabe
Family Life Ministry: Chris Gama
Music Ministry: Antoinette De Klerk, Andrew Makoni
Liturgy Ministry: Michelle De Jesus
Catechetics: Cherryl Brooke
SPRED: Cherryl Brooke
EMHC: Michelle De Jesus
Right of Initiation of Christian Adults (RCIA): David Carey
Communications: Itumeleng Sekgaphola
Alpha: Rene Minnaar
Ushers & Hospitality: Chris Joyce and Seja Tsanwani
Lectio Divina: Marija Ruygrok
Catholic Women's League: Keneiloe Mohafa
Sacristans: Beatrice Kahangwa
Décor & Environment: Marian Symons
Safeguarding Ministry: Laurin Willson
Saint Vincent De Paul Society: Gerard Knobel
Parish Finance Committee: Thuli Malinga
Parish Priest: Fr Paul Beukes OMI
Parish Secretary/Bookkeeper: Marian Symons